Cross-Stitch Installation at Patria Restaurant:

As a confessed textile nut, it makes me weak in the knees to think about covering an entire wall with 17,000 stitches. This incredible
installation at Patria Restaurant was created by
Commute Home, a Toronto firm. The cross-stitch portion is actually a screen, created by
Laura Carwardine, which was laid over a two-story feature wall designed by Marlo Onilla of
Biography Design. The full process took over two months to complete, and Commute created an awesome
time-lapse video of the project so you can see the hard work that went into it. I love the idea of laying screens over a wall like this; it would allow you to take the piece with you if you ever left, and it would allow any artwork or paint beneath it to be cleaned or repaired if needed. The pictures really say more than I can, so I’ll let them do the talking. I’ll just take a moment to give Laura, Marlo and everyone at Commute a big digital slow clap for this amazing project. Visual inspiration like this is my favorite way to start a morning.
xo, grace
More photos after the jump . . .

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