Quilty Pleasures: Leslie Gabriëlse:
This is an extra fun post because I get to talk about my buddy
Leslie Gabriëlse
I met him a few weeks ago while we both were up at the
La Conner Quilt and Textile Museum hanging a few pieces. [Yes its a him. Leslie is a boy name in Holland. Where he hails from.]

I was fortunate enough to see a lecture by him while he was in the country and he spoke a bit on his process, which is different from a lot of other quilters because his stitches are mostly for keeping the pieces on and he uses paint without any qualm.

this gives the figures nice lines and shadows.

His work gave me a new perspective on how to construct quilts like paintings. It’s nice to see other methods.

Here is my favorite of his pieces. I couldn’t find any details. but he put a bird on it.

What do you think about painting on quilts for the details?