Although reporting on the Plush world is generally the domain of the fantastic Love & A Sandwich, I thought I’d share the work of Anatomically Incorrect Creatures and their Creature Specialist, London-based Bree Yena.
“Anatomically Incorrect Creatures are handmade faux taxidermy sculptures and plush wall art – specializing in unique and humorous hybrid creature home decor for all! Each creature is completely hand-stitched, designed from original patterns and created out of locally purchased acrylic and Eco Felt – felt that is made 100% from recycled plastic bottles. No animal products, such as wool felt, ever used. Anatomically Incorrect Creatures supports animal lovers, vegetable lovers, meat lovers, allergy sufferers and anyone with a sense of humor.
“I find faux taxidermy to be a unique and humorous mix of environmentally friendly home decor and odd cuteness. Whether you are an animal rights supporter, craft connoisseur or just have a wicked sense of humor – there really is something for everyone to love with faux taxidermy!
“The creatures are hybrid combinations of at least two animals selected for their uniqueness, oddity and/or cuteness. For example, Giraff-e-lephants and Foxy Owls! There is also a truly vegan line of mounted vegetables. Quite a few of the creatures that exist now started out as custom orders and I get a lot of ideas from comments and suggestions through the shop’s Facebook page.
“I will make anything the customer’s heart desires. The laws of science and nature need not apply – whatever you can come up with, I can try my best to recreate out of felt.”
Ever since I got my first piece of plush taxidermy from Nicole Licht, I’ve been a fan of this idea. What better way to add grandeur to a room than with your own plush trophy?
AI Creatures takes gets extra kudos for their use of eco-felt and I just think they’re ace. Well-designed, witty and wonderful, you can commission your own piece by contacting the Creature Specialist directly. The hard part is deciding what to have!
Thanks to Pink Ray Gun for the quotes!
The Cutting & Stitching Edge is brought to you in association with PUSH: Stitchery, the must-have embroidered art book by Mr X Stitch !
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